Our tweets
Hospice care supports entire families throughout a paediatric palliative care journey.
#emilyshouse; #childrenshospice; #paediatrics; #philipazizcentre; #palliativecare; #hospiceontario; #volunteering; #volunteertoronto
Do you play hockey? Interested in putting together a team for Hockey for Grace, with proceeds to Emily’s House?
#hockeyforgrace; #emilyshouse; #childrenshospice; #volunteering
Kids Grief Q&A - February 11, 2025
To read more: https://paceh.ca/kids-grief-qa-february-11-2025/
#CanadianVirtualHospice; #kidsgrief; #emilyshouse; #childrenshospice; #hospiceontario; #volunteering; #volunteertoronto
Emily’s House Children’s Hospice and the Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care appreciate, welcome and celebrate the remarkable contributions that Black people – in Canada, our communities, and in hospice care – make every single day.
#blackhistorymonth; #celebratingblackcontributions; #equitableandinclusivefuture; #multiculturalism; #anti-racism; #MinisterofDiversityInclusionandPersonswithDisabilities
Please extend a heartfelt and enthusiastic welcome to our January 2025 Graduating Children’s Volunteer Training Class!
#volunteertraining; #volunteering; #volunteertoronto; #emilyshouse; #ChildrensHospice; #philipazizcentre; #communityhospice; #hospiceontario
A child life specialist and specially-designed recreation programming can help children & youth with their worries about changes in their body, death, dying & the loss of a parent or sibling.
#emilyshouse; #childrenshospice; #paediatrics; #philipazizcentre; #palliativecare;
#hospiceontario; #volunteering; #volunteertoronto