CARE FOR KIDS (TORONTO) – Thank you for Supporting Emily’s House

Thank you to Sonny Goldstein and Michelle Goldstein Zaldin for visiting Emily’s House, and presenting a cheque to our CEO, Rauni. They are among the earliest champions of paediatric hospice care in Ontario.
Sonny Goldstein discovered a passion for children’s palliative care in Canada in 1991, at a time when very few health care organizations would even use these words. He founded, Care for Kids, started fundraising, and dreamed of a place like Emily’s House children’s hospice. A portion of his early fundraising sponsored graduate student training for Adam Rapoport, who went on to become the Medical Director of Emily’s House and Paediatric Advanced Care Team, SickKids Hospital.
We are grateful for all the contributions Care for Kids (Toronto) makes to forward paediatric palliative care through a variety of initiatives, and their annual leadership grant support for Emily’s House.
As Goldstein explains: “Nothing could be worse than losing a child. The natural order is for children to outlive parents. This has inspired us to do a lot of good work over the years.”