Thank you to Care for Kids (Toronto) for fundraising and donating generously to Emily’s House children’s hospice.
Proceeds from funds raised in 2024, including those raised by their Somewhere Over the Rainbow Gala in December, have led to a donation of $32,000 towards compassionate hospice care programming and services for children and their families at Emily’s House and through Emily’s House at Home.
Care for Kids (Toronto) is a lead supporter of Emily’s House and has been raising funds for children’s palliative care since 1991. More recently, they were a donor of one new hospital bed for our children’s hospice during the Emily’s House 10-year anniversary celebrations; and an Emily’s House/Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care year-end Gift Match Patron in 2023.
In 1991, very few health care organizations in Canada would even use the words “paediatric palliative care.” At that time, Care for Kids (Toronto) started fundraising in support of paediatric palliative care at the then Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and dreamed of a place like Emily’s House children’s hospice. A portion of their early fundraising sponsored graduate student training for Adam Rapoport, who went on to become the Medical Director of Emily’s House and the now Paediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT) at SickKids Hospital.

Sonny Goldstein founded Care for Kids (Toronto) in 1991, and was joined in 1995 by his daughter Michelle Zaldin, who now runs the charity. Sonny explained: “Nothing could be worse than losing a child. The natural order is for children to outlive parents. This has inspired us to do a lot of good work over the years.” Since the early 90s, the commitment of Care for Kids (Toronto) has only deepened and expanded in impact.
We are so grateful to both Sonny Goldstein and Michelle Zaldin for their vision, and for being tireless advocasy champions of paediatric hospice care in Ontario over the years, and look forward to continuing to work with Michelle and her new board for many years to come.
#careforkidstoronto; #somewhereovertherainbow; #emilyshouse; #childrenshospice; #paediatrics; #palliativecare