News & Updates
Ava’s Christmas Fund 2018
Read Ava’s story at: Donate now to Ava’s Christmas Fund: For the Amazon Registry: For the Toys'R'Us Registry: Once you click the button for Toys'R'Us, you will need to enter a Registrant's…
Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care / Emily’s House, Annual Report 2017-2018
Thank you for your support of Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care / Emily’s House this last year. Please check out our 2017-2018 Annual Report, which covers accomplishments, events, financials, highlights and impacts from our volunteer and client services programs. Click to download 2017-2018 Report.
“Thank You for the Music”
“Thank You for the Music”: A Testimonial for the Emily’s House / PAC Music Therapy Program Written by Lindsey, Emily’s Mom She is only 25 years old, but our middle child’s once very vibrant life has grown significantly quieter these days. …
PAC Community Program for People of All Ages living with HIV/AIDS or who are HIV-impacted: Program Update, August 2018
Our PAC Community Program for People of All Ages living with HIV/AIDS or who are HIV-impacted continues to provide support for individuals, youth and families living with HIV/AIDS, and responds to front-line needs as gaps are identified. Our most notable trend in client requests in…
Grief and Bereavement Workshop with Chaplain Paul Davidson
Grief and Bereavement Workshop with Chaplain Paul Davidson Tuesday, August 21, 9:30 – 12:30 pm Emily’s House / Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care Chaplain and Manager of Grief and Bereavement, Paul Davidson, will be leading a workshop on Tuesday, August 21st…
Scarborough Toyota Customer Appreciation Day
Scarborough Toyota Customer Appreciation Day: Emily’s House Children’s Hospice to be Featured as One of a Dozen Local Charities Customers Can Vote for to Receive a Bigger Charitable Donation from Scarborough Toyota (Saturday, July 21, 2018) TORONTO, Ontario – Scarborough Toyota…
Emily’s House: Five Year Anniversary
A word from our CEO: Rauni Salminen, CEO and Founder of Emily's House and CEO of Philip Aziz Centre (PAC) “This July, Emily’s House celebrates five years of operations and being host to over 1,739 total admissions since opening our doors. Families have received…
Hike for Hospice 2018 Photo Album
So great to see so many client families, volunteers, staff and families / significant others, friends, and well-costumed dogs in Riverdale Park! We announced $60,304 raised in total for Hospice Toronto and Emily’s House / PAC. And, it was a big, group hug for hospice care! Thank…
Laura’s Scrabble Story: “We’re not done. We’re still playing…”
When Laura* was 12-years old, she came to Emily’s House for palliative care, and her mom and her grandma came and stayed with her. Like many kids her age, she liked music, movies and playing board games. She had a favourite doll, that looked just…
Spring Newsletter 2018
Please click on picture to access the newsletter. …
Ontario Expanding Support for Families Experiencing High Risk Pregnancies
Toronto Health Partners Build New Perinatal Palliative Program NEWS RELEASE: April 9, 2018 The Ontario government is supporting Emily’s House Paediatric Hospice, Sick Kids, Mount Sinai Hospital and other health service providers in Toronto…
“Under the Stars”: Prom Dance for Emily’s House Children and Families
When parents first hear that their child has been diagnosed as palliative, often they feel they have to let go of many of the dreams they have for their child, like a first father-daughter dance at a fancy-dress social, or of cheering on their local sports club…. If our…