Emily’s House Story Featured on TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Steve Paikin, recently visited Emily’s House for TVO’S THE AGENDA WITH STEVE PAIKIN, and conducted a follow-up, in-studio panel on Emily’s House and paediatric palliative care. Steve Paikin said himself that it was one of the most “meaningful” interviews that he has done on the show.
The panel features:
Rauni Salminen, CEO/Founder
Nicole Albay, PSW
Bruno and Marlene Geremia, Matthew’s Parents
To view the full, 35-minute TVO video:
For more Emily’s House stories: visit “Our Stories” where we celebrate Luke*, Millie, Damian, Matthew, Ava, Cassidy, Grace, Ollie, Emily, “Baby Stephanie” … every child.
Donations to Emily’s House help provide access to quality-of-life programming for children with complex disability and an underlying life-limiting illness, in addition to 24/7 medical care. Your support will enable recreational play, music therapy, and Saturday morning dance parties; or, recruit, train and deploy hospice volunteers. You will be adding life to days for children in our care, and their families. To donate to Emily’s House: