FRANK LEO & ASSOCIATES HOLIDAY GIFT DRIVE 2022: for Emily’s House Children’s Hospice in Memory of Ava
Thank you to this incredible group who raised another $12,100, plus an amazingly generous stockpile of toys this holiday season! Special mention goes out to the wonderful staff and students of St. Raphael Catholic School and St. Andrew’s Catholic Elementary who partnered in conducting toy drives of their own, contributing to the overall effort.
The goal for this year’s campaign was to raise funds towards Children’s Recreation Programming for outings, adventures, experiences, and therapeutic activities to support the medically-fragile children of Emily’s House children’s hospice. The donated toys have stocked our free “pop up” holiday shop for our hospice clients. Thank you for contributing so much holiday cheer and seasonal joy for medically-fragile children, their siblings, and families.
Thanks also to our Emily’s House team, including Youth Advisory Council (YAC) volunteers, who helped unload truckfuls of toys and set up the toy display.
Emily’s House Children’s Recreation Experiences
Our Children’s Recreation and Play Program offers each child a care plan that incorporates elements of play, music therapy, art and supported socialization, all personalized to each child’s needs, abilities and interests. Children siblings are often invited to join in the fun of “purposeful play” through special events at our hospice home, home visits, and recreational outings in the community. Donations help provide access to supported play, seasonal parties with families, zoo visits, sporting events, unicorn parties, visiting magicians, go carting, batting cages, community Splash Pad visits, legacy craft materials, supported swims, and other fun wheelchair accessible excursions/outing destinations in the Toronto area.
#frankleoandassociates; #avaschristmasfund; #emilyshouse; #philipazizcentre; #childrenshospice; #emilyshouse2022; #charitydrive; #holidaycharityevent; #toydrive; #toydrive2022; #toydrivetoronto; #torontotoydrive