Legacy Giving

Have you considered leaving a legacy?
…. There are so many ways.
While some of our volunteers and clients are working together to create memory albums to leave a loving legacy, we thought it would be a good time to invite our friends and supporters to consider leaving their own legacy. The next time you are updating your personal will and testament, you might want to consider planning a gift to Emily’s House and The Philip Aziz Centre. Bequest giving is easy to do and reduces taxes on your estate’s final tax return. When a charitable organization is written into your will, there is no cost to you during your lifetime. The unique tax advantage can ease the tax burden on your loved ones, so they do not lose your hard-earned income or assets to fees and taxes.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Kroezen at 416-363-9196, extension 212, or jenniferk@philipazizcentre.ca