Luke’s Story

Luke* has an engaging, outgoing personality for a little guy; plus, an infectious smile, good cuddling skills, and a very close-knit family that does everything together. After an MRI identified fluid on his brain, and “spots” on his spine, the doctors discovered Luke also had an incurable cancer. When the family could no longer take care of Luke at home, a friend recommended Emily’s House – where they could access 24/7, doctor-supervised clinical care, symptom management, and recreational programs, all in a home-like environment. Luke’s parents explain: “Nobody wants to be going to hospice, of course, but when we arrived, I really was relieved. I knew it was the right place for Luke. It was a family-focused place where they had rooms for our daughters to stay. The whole family could be together. They give support in so many ways. I see Emily’s House as being a safe haven, and a real refuge. We have hope that more families will be blessed by this place, just as we’ve been blessed.”