National Volunteer Week Review & BBQ

What a great week it was to honour our volunteers and “shout out loud” how deeply grateful and thankful we are for all you do for not only our clients but in supporting the Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care and Emily’s House children’s hospice in many various roles! From posting a message of thanks from our CEO, to sharing testimonials from fellow volunteers, to applauding our six winners of the Ontario Service Awards as well as our June Callwood Award winner (photos in June!), to enjoying a fantastic Volunteer Appreciation BBQ (photos below) hosted by the Elevation Team (also volunteers), … volunteers were celebrated!
The theme was EVERY MOMENT MATTERS. In a world where there are momentous events happening, we can feel overwhelmed… but always know that all you give in time and presence matters deeply to those who are on the receiving end.
#EmilyHouse; #childrenshospice; #philipazizcentre; #hospicecare; #volunteering; #NationalVolunteerWeek; #volunteertoronto
Scroll through to see all the fun!