Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
The Philip Aziz Centre and Emily’s House Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a team of inspired, compassionate young leaders, aged 7-17 years old, who discuss, strategize, and accomplish various fundraising and outreach efforts for Philip Aziz Centre and Emily’s House. They strive to make a difference in the lives of other youth who face the challenges of living with a terminal or life-limiting illness. YAC has been a volunteer group since fall 2007, and has raised thousands of dollars through various efforts. Money raised from these events have helped client programs in our community program as well as at Emily’s House.
YAC Members
Leo, Hannah, Helena M, Jessica, Juliette, Owen, Matthew, Helena H, Phineas, Charlie, Isobel & Shahil.
YAC Application Form
If you are between the ages of seven and seventeen years old, or know somebody who is, you / they can apply to be on our YAC team! Click here for the forms, fill them in, and email to Amanda Maragos: [email protected]
Thank you for visiting our site and having an interest in our organization. We hope to meet you soon!