Ava And Ava’s Garden Story

On April 10, 2014, heaven was graced with our brave and beautiful daughter, Ava Marie. Her big brown eyes, beautiful smile, and infectious laugh will be remembered forever by all who knew her. Ava suffered severe HIE at birth and was given a very poor prognosis. Due to the lack of oxygen she endured during labour, Ava had over 300 seizures in her first few days of life. At first, she wasn’t expected to come home from the NICU, not only did Ava fight to come home, she blessed us with the most amazing two and a half years of our lives.
Ava continued to surprise us every day and taught us more about love and beauty than we could ever know. It was clear from the beginning that Ava had a greater purpose: she touched the hearts of everyone she met and despite her disabilities, she always managed to teach us what was important in life. Ava was perfect in every way and the lessons that she taught us have changed our lives forever. She was the best big sister and the light of our entire family. Ava was always smiling, her smile lit up every room she entered and everyone that met her felt how truly special she was. She was soft and delicate like a flower and had a heart of gold. In her final weeks of life, Ava was admitted to Emily’s house Children’s Hospice where she received specialized care like no other. Ava was embraced by the staff at Emily’s House and was cared for with the kindness, love and compassion that she truly deserved.
Since her passing, Emily’s house has graciously dedicated a memorial garden named: Ava’s Garden. This garden is a wonderful tribute to all the precious children that have passed on at Emily’s House. Ava’s Garden is a place for families to remember and honour their beloved children. These children will never be forgotten, not only will their names be engraved in the memorial stones that fill the garden, they will be forever engraved in our hearts.
Ava was so strong and brave and her purpose was far greater than her short life on this earth. One of Ava’s greatest gifts was her ability to communicate with us. As her parents, we will always be her voice. If Ava could tell us one last thing it would be that her work on this earth is still not done: she can just do more from where she is now.
We know that Ava is smiling down and that her love will continue to grow in this very special garden named in her honour.
Domenic and Christina