Beloved Women Organization Celebrates Mothers, Women and Hospice Care

Thank you to Beloved Women Organization for inviting a special presentation at their Mother’s Day event this past weekend. Women from different Middle Eastern counties, and others who are refugees, gathered to hear a message on A Mother’s Love – in the context of hospice care. After games and crafts, the ladies were very receptive to hear about hospice care, and three stories of lives touched through Emily’s House children’s hospice and the Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care.
Some of the ladies shared their experiences of a personal palliative care journey. One woman shared about sitting at a bedside as her friend took a last breath. A young girl bravely stood at the microphone to tell everyone how strong her mother is, taking care of her, her family, as well as her grandfather who lives with them and needs care as he manages advancing cancer. And, what a surprise, one of the ladies had been to Emily’s House five years ago and served as a translator when a young girl died, supported by our Emily’s House care team, and described the final procession from the house….
All the ladies agreed that families should not have to face a palliative care journey alone.
Special thanks to Eliane Akiki Massaad, Founder & Director, Beloved Women Organization, and Karen Massaad, for hosting, translating, organizing and celebrating mothers and hospice care in this way.