News & Updates
Emily’s House Referral Videos Developed in Partnership with Sick Kids Hospital: Transitioning to Hospice, from Hospital or Home
Families want to clearly understand their options, particularly as they consider hospice respite programs and advance care for a child with complex needs. They want to know where their child will be most comfortable, or most “at home,” while having all the needed medical supports at hand.
CARE FOR KIDS (TORONTO) – Thank you for Supporting Emily’s House
Thank you to Sonny Goldstein and Michelle Goldstein Zaldin for visiting Emily’s House, and presenting a cheque to our CEO, Rauni. They are among the earliest champions of paediatric hospice care in Ontario. Sonny Goldstein discovered a passion for children’s palliative care in…
Client Impact Statistics Updated
Emily’s House / Philip Aziz Centre Visiting Hospice: Client Impact Reporting FY2016- 2017 We have compiled the most recent Client Impact statistics on our website. We have witnessed a growth in total clients served in the past year – for all ages, programs…
PAC Logo “Refresh” 2017
Our PAC logo has been refreshed! – Emily’s House has been open for over four years now, and much of our organizational communications are branded with both the Philip Aziz Centre (PAC) and Emily’s House logos. The PAC logo has now been “refreshed” so that the Emily’s House and…
Ava’s Christmas Fund 2017
Read Ava’s story at: Donate now to Ava’s Christmas Fund: For the Walmart Registry: For Ideas at Mastermind: …
Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care / Emily’s House, Annual Report 2016-2017
Thank you for your support of Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care / Emily’s House this last year. Please check out our 2016-2017 Annual Report, which covers accomplishments, events, financials, highlights and impacts from our volunteer and client services programs. Click to download 2016-2017 Report.
Be a Hero: “The Green Aero” Mutant Shake
Purchase “The Green Aero” Mutant Shake from HOLLYWOOD CONE and be a hero for Emily’s House children’s hospice. This Mutant Shake spills over the glass, with mint chocolate Aero bars, mint, Nutella, chocolate malt, whip cream, chocolate sauce, and caramel sauce. October 1 to 31st…
Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge supports Children’s Hospice Week
In support of Children’s Hospice Week in the UK, Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge, took some time to record a PSA in support of the cause. To view PSA:…
Hike for Hospice 2017 Photo Album
Thank you to everyone for supporting our 2017 Hike for Hospice! Despite the soggy park, road closures and cloudy sky, we had many familiar faces and some first-timers join in the celebration. We announced $65,396 raised by everyone all together, by hospice partners Hospice Toronto and Emily’s House /…
Sid’s Emily’s House Jazz Band: Bursting through isolation, with music and friendly visits
For anyone, sometimes connecting with a friend and having a conversation can help you feel grounded, and ready for whatever is next. Participating in a social activity, or listening to music can give you a surge of happiness, even if you don’t burst out…
February’s Windows: Emily
“February’s Windows: Emily,” was originally “published” on Facebook as a series of interesting and informative daily postings throughout the month of February 2017, providing a unique window each day into the current life of our own Emily Yeskoo, the palliative client after whom…
Spring Newsletter 2017
Please click on picture to access the newsletter.