News & Updates
“Fearless” Cassidy, honorary torch bearer for Pan Am Games
Fearless” Cassidy, honorary torch bearer for Pan Am Games, was featured in the Toronto Sun. Read her story here …
Check out our new Emily’s House video. …
Legacy Giving
Have you considered leaving a legacy? …. There are so many ways. While some of our volunteers and clients are working together to create memory albums to leave a loving legacy, we thought it would be a good time…
Spring 2014 Newsletter
The Spring 2014 Newsletter has been released! Read the story of 2 month old Stephanie and her family as they have stayed at Emily's House, get the scoop on upcomming events and find out how you can get more involved! Click here to view the Spring 2014…
Rauni Salminen Honoured as one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women!
Congratulations to one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women! Rauni Salminen, E.D. of the Philip Aziz Centre and Emily’s House, was presented with the WXN Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100 award in the Xstrata Nickel Trailblazers and Trendsetters Category. According to Dr. Adam…
Doug MacLean Visit’s Emily’s House
Doug MacLean, co-host of the Fan 590's Hockey Central at Noon program as well as an analyst on Rogers Sportsnet, recently visited Emily's House to meet some of the families staying at Toronto's 1st children's hospice. Doug will be joining us next week at the…
Summer 2013 PAC News Link
Take a peek through our Summer 2013 News Link to hear all about the Emily's House opening ceremony, a special client story, upcomming events you can be apart of, and much more! Click here to view the PAC Summer 2013 News Link…
Global TV News – Part 1 & 2
Global News in Toronto featured a segment which included two of our beloved families and the news of the opening of Emily's House. We are so thankful for all the support of those involved with Emily's House and all the congratulations we have recieved from everyone. The support has been overwhelming and we greatly appreciate it.
Metro Morning Interview with Rauni – June 11th, 2013
To celebrate the opening of Emily's House yesterday, our ED - Rauni Salminen - met up with Matt Galloway early in the morning to be speak about Emily's House and what we will offer children and families in Toronto's very first peadeatric palliative care hospice.
Palliative Care: Toronto’s first children’s hospice to open
Emily's House, a project of Philip Aziz Centre, was recently featured in a Toronto Star article. As we all come together to anticipate the opening of Emily's House, read this article to see why we decided it was time for Toronto's first children's residential hospice. To read the article online please click here. Many thanks to the The Star and Laura Kane for featuring Emily's House and bringing awareness about in Toronto. And many thanks to the Yeskoo family for sharing their story with us all.
PAC News link: March 2013
Please enjoy the latest PAC News link with updates on Emily's House, Events, and highlighted donor and volunteer profiles.
The Rotary Club of Toronto, Emily’s House Perinatal Program
This month the Philip Aziz Centre Receives $100,000 Centennial Award For Its Innovative Program “The Rotary Club of Toronto, Emily’s House Perinatal Program”. "We are thankful to the Healthy Beginnings Committee of The Rotary Club of Toronto (RCT) — for its insight, compassion, and commitment to…