National Nursing Week, May 8-14, 2023
A note from our CEO Rauni for National Nursing Week:
“In addition to National Palliative Care Week, we are celebrating National Nursing Week. These two dates intersect, and not just on a calendar but in real practice. Nurses are key to the delivery of Quality Palliative Care in our communities and at Emily’s House.
Thank you to our incredibly dedicated and caring nursing team, who really put care and skill into action here at Emily’s House. Your passion in caring for our patients and families is appreciated every day. Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you also to all our dedicated and compassionate support staff who are a key part of the delivery of palliative care, ensuring all persons have access to all the supports they need during this difficult life transition.
You are all palliative care heroes! You may not feel like that every day, but the people whose lives you touch feel this way about you.”