2023 National Volunteer Week
It’s National Volunteer Week in Canada! A time to celebrate the incredible impact that volunteers make nationwide. Specifically for hospice, Volunteers are the foundation of sustainable hospice programs; contributing on all levels from direct client care to ground maintenance! At Philip Aziz Centre & Emily’s House, Volunteers contributed over 22,730…
2023 EH Garden Memorial – Save the Date!
The annual Emily’s House Garden Memorial will be held Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 2 PM. Space is limited, so please RSVP to Sandy Broad: …
Palliative Care Stories Video Series
Dying is difficult in any language. The power of words, actions, and human behaviour can have an enormous impact on the way families experience their palliative care journey. This series of videos draws upon real-life experiences; we hear from families as they reflect on their child’s life and the palliative…
National Caregivers Day
National Caregivers Day April 4th 2023 is National Caregiver Day. Four million caregivers across Ontario provide an estimated 75 per cent of the care in our healthcare system. They play a critical role in providing physical, emotional, and mental support to family members, partners, and friends in need. …
Emily’s House March Break Camp Photo Album, March 13-17, 2023
Emily’s House March Break Camp 2023 was the first, fully in-person children’s recreational camp held at Emily’s House since the pandemic. The team planned for eight kids to participate (based on the level of nursing support confirmed in advance). The theme was Adventure and Around the World Exploration. Emily’s House…
A volunteer for more than 50 years, Richard’s service with Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care is a drop in his bucket of his volunteerism. Twenty-six years ago, Richard was one of the first volunteers recruited to provide psychosocial and practical support to those living with a terminal and/or life-limiting…
International Women’s Day – a post from our CEO
Today March 8th marks International Women’s Day! A day we celebrate and honour the accomplishments and contributions of women; our mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, colleagues, mentors, and friends. Women whose voices and actions have impacted science, education, research, health and social care, spirituality, justice systems, politics, business, economy, environmental…
Hockey for Grace Charity Social 2023 – Thank You!
Celebrating the memory of Baby Grace, Amy and Chris filled the Newmarket Optimist Club Saturday night with hockey players, friends, family, sponsors, and folks moved by baby Grace’s story. It was so encouraging to see. In the middle of the two-day hockey tournament, the Hockey for Grace Charity Social Saturday…
Chris and Amy Manning – Legacy Activities: A Soundwave Tattoo, a Mosaic Tile, Hockey for Grace…
Chris’s Soundwave Tattoo includes some gurgles and sounds made by his sweet Baby Grace. We got to hear her voice this past weekend, when Chris and Amy visited Emily’s House to celebrate and remember their precious first child. With the help of a special app, when Chris scans the special…
2023 Hike for Hospice
JOIN TEAM EMILY’S HOUSE / PAC!!! Toronto Hike for Hospice Partners – May 7, 2023 $25 to register. Additional fundraising is encouraged. Have a heart for hospice! Everyone eventually will be touched by hospice care – in their community, family, and in their own home. We invite you to help us…
2023 Hockey for Grace
Amy and Chris’s annual HOCKEY FOR GRACE returns in-person this weekend in Markham. All the hockey teams are booked, but everyone is invited to the ticketed Hockey for Grace Charity Social. HOCKEY FOR GRACE CHARITY SOCIAL – with proceeds to Emily’s House Saturday, March 4th from 7pm-12am Newmarket…
A Bradford Christmas presents $14,000+
Thank you to Sarah and Emily Dahlgren, of A Bradford Christmas, who fund raised over $14,000 for Emily’s House, after being inspired by Hockey for Grace’s Amy and Chris Manning. The sisters visited Emily’s House Saturday morning, on a special anniversary date, when we remember baby Grace. Family, donors…