Part 2 – The testimonial from the PAC Volunteer’s Perspective

PAC Volunteer broke through barriers by engaging with art: a communications board
“I had the pleasure of being able to support Claude and his wife for the last 6 months of his life. The experience was truly perspective-changing and I felt so honoured to be able to provide care and support at such an intimate time of someone’s life. I felt so lucky to be able to bear witness to the deep love and connection Claude and Deb had for each other. Although there were moments of sadness and grief, the joy, laughter and conversations we shared together each Thursday were the highlight of my week. Our time spent together took the form of many things, including meaningful conversations with Claude about his art while his wife could have an afternoon to herself, helping with dinner, and even doing meal prep for the week. This was my first client experience with Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care and reaffirmed my decision to pursue my passion in supporting folks and their caregivers during the end-of-life journey. I’m grateful for the training I was provided in being able to provide the best care for my client and am looking forward to continuing my volunteering.” ~ PAC Volunteer
For the first part of this story:
#philipzizcentre; #hospicecare; #communityhospice; #hospiceontario; #volunteering; #volunteertoronto