Bridget’s Story
In November 2017, we were eagerly awaiting the birth of our first child. We did not know what we were having but were so excited to welcome the new baby into our home and had already fully incorporated her into our life. We did little things like have Daddy read the baby a bed time story (Baby Oh Baby, The Places You’ll Go) every night. And we did big things like travel out West for the Stampede, describing everything we saw to the baby as we visited places like the Rockies and Emerald Lake. We loved taking our baby everywhere with us and couldn’t wait to get her into our arms.
Things changed at our last midwife appointment just before the due date. Both of us were there because her Daddy never missed an opportunity to hear his baby’s heartbeat. We had family waiting across the street because we were going to finish off the baby’s stocking shopping right after this appointment. With the midwife, we were discussing the pros and cons of each OB and selecting induction dates. When it came time to check the baby’s heart rate, it couldn’t be found
A day later, following an induction, our beautiful baby girl, Bridget Bell Morrison, was born still one day shy of her due date as the result of an umbilical cord accident. She had dark hair and looked like her Daddy. We only had about five hours with her and filled that time with cuddles, kisses, and “love yous”. She was able to “meet” her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins and was sent off with all the love we could give.
We celebrate her brief life every chance we get and are so excited that she has a hockey team named after her.