Thank you to The Harry E. Foster Charitable Foundation
Harry “Red” Foster grew up in the family home on Oaklands Avenue in Toronto with his brother, who had visual and developmental disabilities. The Fosters enveloped their most vulnerable member with love and a sense of inclusion in everyday affairs. At Emily’s House children’s hospice – where approximately 90% of our children have a cognitive or developmental disability, as well as complex care needs and an underlying life limiting illness – recreational activities and programming are also as inclusive as possible for the children and youth who receive care with us. In recent months, supported by a child life specialist, recreation coordinators, a music therapist, nurses, PSWs and volunteers, our children and youth have participated in Emily’s House Explores outings to The Well, Toronto’s Stacked Market, the Royal Museum of Ontario, Wind Reach Farm, and other exciting, accessible destinations. We are so grateful to The Harry E. Foster Charitable Foundation for a recent donation of $15,000 towards inclusive accessible programming for this inspiring group.
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