Emily’s House Explores – Wind Reach Farm Visit Photo Album

“Emily’s House Explores” is a new program series for Emily’s House children’s hospice that explores inclusive/adaptive adventures with our children and youth, and their families. During these community excursions, families are introduced to accessible, child-friendly destinations while meeting peer families who are also managing a paediatric palliative care prognosis. All the participants are invited to experience new sights and to build new connections to a community of support.
The Wind Reach Farm visit in July was to an accessible farm environment that provides therapeutic programs and services for individuals of all abilities. The farm programs and services have been developed with full accessibility at the forefront, offering learning and experiential opportunities with the goal of engaging participants in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our Emily’s House kiddos had a blast, meeting farm animals and exploring the farm with friends. Thank you to our Children and Families, Child Life, Recreation, Clinical Care and Volunteer Teams who collaborated to bring social and therapeutic benefits to these children and families!
Feedback from Families:
“It was so refreshing to get to a farm with my kids. Thanks!”
“It was a perfect day for our whole family! Each kid loved it, and they were all able to enjoy different parts of the trip. One of my hopes lately is to make memories with everyone enjoying an activity together, and this was perfect. Thanks so much for organizing this day!”
“Please pass on our thanks and gratitude for an amazing day at the farm. [My daughter] has spent so much time in hospital these past six months that family time is precious, and having a day at the farm was amazing for all of us. The accessible wagon ride was definitely one of the highlights! The girls also enjoyed following the clues and map to find all ten stickers! From a logistical standpoint, it was awesome to be able to do all activities together since everything was accessible. And I enjoyed not having to pack lunch, and it was wonderful having a great bathroom to change [My daughter] in! As always, Emily’s House staff were helpful, friendly and upbeat. The farm staff were the same and so helpful in helping everyone access the activities and animals. Thanks for a great day.”
“[ My daughter ] especially loved how the animals were so friendly and weren’t afraid of the wheelchair. I loved the pace and having the opportunity to spend time with the animals and in the outdoors. For reference, going to the zoo can often be disappointing. Between the crowds, and feeling like people can often not be mindful of the chair and the wheelchair users challenges in viewing animals (they block her view often), it can be arduous to be in such a setting. This was so low key and relaxed, and the quality and quantity of time spent with the animals was remarkable. Accessible green spaces are so difficult to come by, and this was a tremendous gift. Thank you again. We loved it!”
#accessibility; #emilyshouse; #childrenshospice; #philipazizcentre; #communityhospice; #hospiceontario; #hospicecare; #volunteertoronto