Kids Grief Q&A – February 11, 2025

The Canadian Virtual Hospice Team invites you to join their monthly KidsGrief Q&A webinar featuring kids grief experts, Andrea Warnick, Colleen Mousseau, and Nicola Elbro. In this free webinar, they answer your serious illness, death and dying questions. Each webinar is unique. The session is also recorded and sent to everyone that registers.
When: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Submit your questions in advance to [email protected]. The team will respond to your questions in the webinar.
Webinar Registration:
Webinar Registration – Zoom
#CanadianVirtualHospice; #kidsgrief; #emilyshouse; #childrenshospice; #hospiceontario; #volunteering; #volunteertoronto